I was on facebook the other day and my friend, Lindsey, posted this article to her wall. I read this article and it really spoke to me! It is amazing to me what impact you can have on people with just one simple act of kindness. I think that we are called to show people acts of kindness... to show them love. I mean why not love people? Why not take time out of your day to love people in the simplest of ways? What does it cost me? What does it cost anyone? I think the other reason the article spoke to me was because it involved a teen. Many people know that I have a passion for working with middle and high school students. I am amazed by the students' imagination, passion for life, willingness to learn and grow and their phenomenal way of looking at the world. They really are wonderful people that need and want love and someone to care about them... I mean who does not need and want that? It is sad to me that this teen in the article is at a point in his life that he is willing to harm others and risk going to jail or worse for just a wallet. I wonder if he felt loved and if he felt like someone believed in him!? How cool is it that this guy chose to do that and change his life with that one dinner... with that one hour out of life. He CHOSE to do that... He did not have to, but her made the CHOICE to. I guess I have rambled long enough... this article really does empower me to love teens and people! The simplest act of kindness can really change a life. It empowers me to know I have a choice... I can choose to change lives with simple actions or I can choose to do nothing. I hope I choose to change lives... I mean, how cool is that!
Thanks linds for sharing!
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